The big guys don’t need my help.
The companies with enough money to hire ten teams of people like me are the exact people who don’t need me. I’m not for them.
I’m here for you. And here’s why.
Years ago, I was working at a prestigious company, helping Fortune 500 companies move their big ol’ heavy corporate needles, inch by inch. I was doing very cool work by all intents and purposes, but the work left me unfulfilled.
The turning point came during a meeting with a large food client. I was discussing storytelling around food, advising my clients that people like to know where their food comes from, they want to know how it was raised, tended to, etc. I asked the client if there were any stories they’d want to tell about their food.
There was silence for a moment. And then...
“I know! I know! The pigs!” One client responded.
“What about the pigs?” I asked.
“The pigs…they can stand up now,” she said.
I nodded politely but felt a deep lump of sadness in my gut.
Well, that was about it for me. The vision of large, adorable hogs being too bloated from hormones to stand up just about made me cry on the spot.
This is not meant to be a rail on big agriculture. Because even though I don’t eat pork, I do sometimes feed it to my family. The point is, I couldn’t fathom helping someone who believed having pigs who could stand up was a product benefit. (Or maybe even that pigs were a product?) I knew there was something more out there for me.
I knew I had to work in a way that was in line with my values.
I left that job soon after that meeting. And I immediately began work on The Story Shoppe, where I help hardworking, purpose-driven clients just like you tell amazing stories that connect you with your audience for the life of your brand.
I love making an impact one on one.
I love being the catalyst that starts a small business propelling forward confidently into the future with a clear message, a solid purpose, and a great story.
I want to give people like you access to the same tools and insights that the big guys use. But I want to inspire you to use those tools in a way that extols your values so that you resonate with your customers and grow your business. I want to help you move your wonderfully unique needle by a TON.
I’d love to know the moment that changed the trajectory of your career and that moved you into where you are now. Or perhaps you haven’t had it yet? I’d love to help you do that, too.