Creativity is best under pressure. You know how I know? MacGuyver.
MacGuyver is at his most creative in a crisis. You know the scene: the clock is ticking, he’s trapped in a room, and all he has is a paper clip, an old shoe, and a piece of silly putty. Then, just as the clock ticks down to 3 seconds as a bomb is about to go off….he makes a magical hasty escape through the roof with a grappling hook he made out of those everyday objects.
Everyone keeps saying they can’t wait to see the creativity that will come out of quarantine.
I’m thinking --- wait, I see tons of creativity happening NOW.
Parents are being creative in defining new ways of teaching (while working!), people are rigging cute home offices inside their closets, and everyone’s doing drive-by Birthday Cartys (just made that up: car + party ;) ). Sounds highly creative to me!
Creativity is not just an output, like a movie or a painting. It’s a way of approaching the world, connecting ideas, and making something new.
Think of it this way: every act is a creative act, because you are using existing ideas and deciding to do something new with them. Every day.
Think for a second: how have you been creative today?
And how will you be creative tomorrow?
Let’s all keep MacGuyver-ing our way out of this.
Let’s get through this, together. x