Go hard.
Yada yada yada.
Crushing it is feeling a bit inauthentic lately, isn’t it?
I mean, how many people have you seen bragging about crushing it in the past 8 months?
I DO see people coming up with new approaches to creative businesses, sharing ideas, and swapping stories.
But crushing it? These days, that feels about as appropriate as wearing a bikini to an outdoor (socially distant) hangout in a Chicago winter.
Crushing it and its sister stories (or maybe more appropriately, bro stories?) are starting to feel stale. All that stuff about super high achievement, nailing targets, killing ourselves for made-up corporate targets that are designed for growth at all costs…no thank you.
Let’s replace Crush it with “Bold Goals, Held Loosely.”
Gotta admit this phrase comes from one of my fave writers, Mark Manson, and when I read it, I thought YES. Yes to dreaming big, and also yes for not being hard on ourselves if we don’t absolutely CRUSH IT.
We’re all creating a new way of doing things. Let’s start using different language to describe this new way. I think we’ll all be better off, maybe even healthier, for it.