Chances are, we'll probably be in some form of freak-out mode for a while.
Here are some tips on how to write copy that acknowledges the moment we're in.
These principles are really relevant for anytime, but definitely apply more heavily in this current crisis.
1. Connect
One of the most important things you can do for your brand is to emotionally connect with your audience. In fact, it's the foundation of everything I preach. What emotional issue are you solving for your audience?
It might be as simple as "Helping people make an impact in their professional lives" (LinkedIn) or as high level as "Giving people hope" (Obama). Take time to really think about this one and once you nail it, keep delivering on the promise in different ways.
2. Listen
There are a LOT of conversations going on right now since we're all cooped up in crisis. How can you cut through the noise? Pay attention to what's on people's minds.
It might be that something you thought your audience needed is not on their minds right now. For example, I haven't been a traditional copywriter in a while, but I just used my copywriting skills to help out a Go Fund Me page to get supplies to healthcare workers on the front lines in NY. (I'll be keeping you posted on that soon.)
3. Be the expert
Lead with your opinion. People want comfort right now, and we are all seeking answers. Be that someone who steadily guides them forward. This can be scary because we're afraid to say the wrong thing or be too pointed, especially because of cancel culture, but standing up for your beliefs and your mission will help you stand out and connect with those who have shared values.
Tactically, the most important thing to consider in your writing right now is CLARITY. Be clear on how you can serve. Be clear in your writing. Don't try to make it fancy, try to make it understandable. We're all in a bit of a mess right now and clarity is a top priority in making sure you don't add to the mess.
Hang in there!
Ps: If you need writing help from me right now, I'M IN to help any way I can. We're all trying to figure out the best way to use our skills!